Meeting the Unitarians

R and I took Buckaroo to the Unitarian Church for the first time. The church is huge, the congregation is small, and Buckaroo made a heap o' noise. I cringed as he ran up and down the empty pews and shouted, "Bye bye" to the people, but then the minister paused her sermon to say how nice it was to have a little one in the sanctuary to remind us what it's really about. Shew.

I don't follow the news very closely-- mostly I just read the election headlines-- since my dad died I don't like to hear about the violence. My old therapist (have I mentioned that I miss her?) said it's a symptom of post traumatic shock. Every ugly, senseless thing takes me back to a highway in Alabama and what I imagine happened there. This is one of the many reasons I avoid TV altogether-- had my share of real-life drama.

This is why I didn't hear about the shooting at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville TN-- until today. I thought I misunderstood the minister when she mentioned it. Two people were killed for believing what I believe-- in the inherent worth and dignity of every person. That's all I have to say about that right now.

In happier news: R bought a wake board, sort of like a surf board for skiing, and I pulled him behind the boat for the first time ever. First he pulled me, and it was magical out there. The sky was cloudy pink, there was a sliver moon above me, and the water was not too cold. Then it was his turn, and I couldn't see what he was doing but Sweet Potato and her friend were ooh-ing and aahh-ing at his tricks, so I think he had fun, too.

Now I'm off to make a cake for the UUs to deliver to the homeless shelter tomorrow. Tootle loo.


Anonymous said…
T forgot to mention that she is shredding the wake nowadays. She is a natural on skis.
Anonymous said…
I am happy you found a church home. Feels good! I didn't know you made cake. Amish friendship cake?? ew
Suzanne said…
I miss you a million. For some reason this post made me miss you more. I send love.