Three Big Steps

We're slowly working toward the big move. So, just to sum up: We leave in June. R told his work that we're leaving, and they're going to let him telecommute from The Woods until November, if it all works out. He's also taking his VMWare test tomorrow (he's quite nervous about it, but he always does just fine), so he'll be looking for a real life job in the virtual field, and he's very excited about that.

We traded in both of our cars and bought a newish car with four wheel drive-- although we can't figure out how to put it in four wheel drive yet-- and even though it wouldn't start on Saturday morning, we're giving it a second chance and loads of love and attention. Oh, and I think we should name it Pinot-- or Cab! R is planning to drive across country with Sweet Potato, but Obo says he's coming on the plane with Buckaroo and me.

We have possibly found a home for Sam the Cat. We'll know more by the end of the week. R says Sam knew something was up because he stopped waking R for his 6 a.m. breakfast.

Here's Sam reading a book with R and Buckaroo.

The next step is to sell all of our stuff, except for the goodies we can't part with -- I know I just ended a sentence with a preposition, and I'm going to leave it just like that. So here's my list of stuff I can't part with (did it again):

Nana Pat's sewing machine
My hope chest
Letters and photos and memoribilia -- of which there are about a dozen boxes in the basement
Buckaroo's crib
Our bed-- I know this is silly, but I bought it with my Pablo Neruda prize money, and Buckaroo was born in it. It's our marriage bed.
Can't decide about the books. They're heavy, but I love them.

R and the kids have their own lists, of course.
