Mass Meanderings (continued)

Here's the mountain laurel. This one is tinged pink, but most of the bushes around the house are white.
Yesterday we visited another local library, and we met a girl who will be in highschool with Obo. She was extraordinarily friendly and even found Obo's book for him (Speak for his required summer reading).
Sweet Potato has just arrived!
Sorry for the abrupt departure. SP and her cousin finally made it here last night. All three of the big kids were anxious to swim in the lake. Today they are hoping to go tubing.
This morning we visited Sweet Potato's school and got her all registered. The school is so fabulous I got a little teary. We met with the guidance counselor, and she gave us the run-down. Sweet Potato has summer reading, too.
Buckaroo has been very out of sorts since we arrived. He's been feverish and not wanting to leave my hip. This morning I strapped him in the Ergo and we walked through the forest behind the house. It leads up a steep hill, and then there's a dirt road at the top. To the right is a granite cliff with a view of more trees, and to the left it seems to end up in the neighbor's driveway. I hope they didn't mind us sneaking through their back yard.
Everything is so green here, and in the forest the ground is soft with layers of leaves. We met a lovely toady guy, but then he disappeared into the foilage. There's also some kind of mossy-ferny thing that's bright green and grows low to the ground. It looks like a patch of 100 tiny pine trees. I'll have to find out what it is.
R and I took a trip to the nursery yesterday, and the gal working there promised me that everything they had was hardy enough for The Woods. We bought some tomato plants, rosemary, basil, and a few impatiens for an empty barrel in front of the house.
The inside of the house smells like varnish. I need to start cooking some spicy dinners and maybe burn some sage.
So far we've seen a few interesting restaurants: Thai, Vietnamese and Sushi. No Indian yet, though. When we saw the first one, R said, "I told you I would take care of you and your culinary needs." That's why I love him.
Oh, and yesterday we found a natural food store! Woo Hoo! I bought the best rose petal tea ever, and I iced it with sugar and lime. Yumdiddlyscrum.
There's so much to do, and getting to the computer is a challenge. It's in the danger zone, so Buckaroo is not welcome here, and he doesn't often let go. I'll write more when I can.


Suzanne said…
Oh my gosh! Speak for summer reading? You are in high school reading heaven! My cousin said it best: If I'd had to read books like this in high school, I'd have read the books we were assigned and actually like reading. Can't wait to hear what he thinks...