Autumn Cometh

R said it was forty degrees last night in some parts of New England. I said that musta been way up in Maine, but as we were driving home from dinner tonight -- an anniversary dinner (with kids) at the yummy Mexican restaurant-- I saw that a couple of the swamp trees had turned completely red.
It's been chillier in the mornings and evenings for sure, and today I wore my sweatshirt all day. It feels a little like a Bay Area summer. I don't even care if it's cold at this point, as long as there's no dagnabbed rain for a while.
The evenings on the water have been so calm and pink, so last night we took Buckaroo out for his first ride in the tippy, flat-bottom boat. I was hoping to paddle close to the dam where the blueberries are hanging plump in a gorgeous bunch, but we couldn't reach those. We did find plenty of other unreachable-by-land blueberries, though, and I picked 'em all while R steadied the boat and sang "Five Little Duckies" to Buckaroo. I filled my little yellow bucket and even brought home a hitch-hiking spider and ladybug. I'm hoping to make a blueberry sauce with the loot.

Buckaroo enjoyed the trip and the berries and even took a break from helping R paddle for some milk.
In other news: R had his second job interview today and liked this company better than the first. He thinks they liked him as well. He has another interview tomorrow with a third company, and then we're really hoping someone will make him an offer. He's plum tuckered out.
Also, Obo returns from King Arthurland tomorrow! He's supposed to catch his flight out in six hours. Travel easy, Obo.
