The leaves are almost gone. I have on my to do list "grit the stairs" meaning that we need to put that gritty tape down so we don't slip and break our necks. I thought we needed to do this before snow (I guess we missed that window), but it turns out that the stairs are so slippery from the piles of wet leaves that grit will do us no good whatsoever. R says we need to enter and exit through the basement. Harumph.
One must learn to put the scarf on before the bolsa. I've never liked the word purse, and I decided just now to call it a bolsa forever. I keep getting myself all tangled up in the scarf and bolsa combo, probably because I wear mine diagonally. Untangling in public is somewhat embarrassing-- as is losing one's car in the parking lot. I'm not used to the parking lots yet.
Today Buckaroo and I hit Barnes and Noble where we thought about Christmas presents. That's one thing about the cold: It makes me feel like we should have skipped the candy collecting and gone straight to caroling. I hope people carol around here. Even though I've never caroled, it seems like a New Englandy thing to do.
Today is rainy and warmish, with a high of 58. It feels like a California winter day. I've learned to check the temperature before venturing outdoors, something I've never had to do before. It's funny how the cold doesn't look any different from the inside.
Here are the books we're reading:
The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears
No Cry Sleep Solution (still)
Fortress of Solitude
Schooled (teen lit)-- we're actually listening to this one.
Sweet Potato is also reading Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism and is anxiously awaiting the release of The Tales of Beetle Bard.
Buckaroo is totally into the Olivia books, except for Olivia and the Missing Toy, which is a bit too frightening for him. We didn't make it past the toy going missing.