Buckaroo and I are reading the complete tales of Winnie the Pooh. Buckaroo likes Pooh's songs best, so yesterday as Buckaroo began to nod off in the car during the long trek home from Sparkle Mama's house, I asked him to make up a song with me-- nap time interferes with bed time these days. I was trying to encourage rhyming, so it goes a little something like this:
One Two Three
I'm busy as a bee
Four Five Six
Let's play pick up sticks
Seven Eight Nine
You play, too
Ten Eleven Twelve
All the shovels with you
Hey, it got us home nap-free!
One Two Three
I'm busy as a bee
Four Five Six
Let's play pick up sticks
Seven Eight Nine
You play, too
Ten Eleven Twelve
All the shovels with you
Hey, it got us home nap-free!