We took Obo and Sweet P to the airport yesterday, and they flew off in opposite directions. It's hard to watch them say goodbye. After a month of being nearly inseparable, singing Lady Ga Ga and Taylor Swift tunes at top volume and whisper-giggling at any phrase remotely resembling bathroom humor, they can't bear to hug in the airport and so just fling a wave from the security line, very cool-like. They are nothing if not cool. Oh, and they have instructed me that I'm not to use the word hip to mean cool. No one says hip.
Nana Sandy (aka my sweet mama) visited while Obo was here, and I dragged them from one end of New England to another. Then we stayed up extra late playing board games and watching Jane Austen films. Obo tried to boycott the Austen films, but we drew him in with our arts. After her whirlwind visit, I think Mom must have been happy to return to her one high-energy dog. Our dog is low energy, but our plethora of children are not.
So today Buckaroo and I are back to our old quiet-ish ways, except that Sweet P won't be off the bus at 3 p.m. to stir things up. I wasn't sure how we'd spend the day, how he'd be feeling, but Buckaroo woke up and announced that he wanted to give his toys away to children who don't have toys, so we spent a big part of the day sorting his bedroom.
Buckaroo's bff, Frog Boy, is moving south to a warmer climate. I have yet to explain this to Buckaroo, and I'm running short on time. Frog boy is taking my good friend Frog Mama with him, and I've been living in a blissful state of denial about it for some time. The walls are beginning to crumble, though. Just this week I finally let myself imagine how preschool will be without the pair of them there to greet us in the morning, and it felt like a stiff smack in the face. Even as I write this my eyes are stinging.
So we're off to music class tomorrow morning and then to the library to find a book or two about friends moving away-- one for him and one for me.
I can't remember when I have laughed so hard at myself and the kids - my visit was wonderful!
Love, Mom