Snow Trip

The lake is frozen, which I will always find baffling, but as all the neighbors were skating away joyfully out there I could hardly refuse to allow the children their slide across the ice. We trekked to the islands yesterday just before the blizzard was upon us. I didn't last long in the frost, even with my several layers.

Self-Portrait with Ice

I blurred out Buckaroo's boogy nose and eyes. He's battling quite the goopy cold this week, but it doesn't slow him down a whit.

Sweet P claims that her glasses crack and snap in the winter weather.

A blurry Bella and her new seasonal buddy from across the way. I guess that's a poor weather friend as they won't be able to romp together after the spring melt.

R and a somewhat miserable Sweetest P. In fact, she's pouting right now after asking for a birthday trip to Hawaii. She likes to cry in Lydia Bennet-like fashion: "I want to go to Brighton!" Fun times for all.

Perhaps a snippet of Pride and Prejudice would improve her mood on this whitest of white days.
